Books about economic paradigms and ecological sanity

Books about economic paradigms and ecological sanity

Contact: rogerkb at energyevolutionjournal dot com

Eight Economic Truths: Resource Constraints and the Long Term Welfare of the Human Species

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Have you ever suspected that the
game of turning money into more
money at the fastest rate allowed
by short-term resource constraints
is inconsistent with the long-term
welfare of the human species? If
so and you think that there exists
a need for new economic paradigms
then you might want to read my
book Eight Economic Truths. Check
out the links below to download a
free PDF or to purchase a hard-

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Table of Contents

First Chapter


Matter, Energy, and Intelligence: An examination of the effect resource constraints on human productivity

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Energy, which can be loosely
defined as the potential to
transform matter, is a key
resource in economic production.
If the end of the fossil fuel
era means that we have utilize
more expensive sources of energy
what will be the impact on
economic production? This
question cannot be answered
definitively but my book Matter,
Energy, and Intelligence
explores certain aspects of the
synergistic use of matter,
energy and intelligence to
produce economic output and
reaches some interesting
conclusions about our ability
to maintain a decent quality
of life at substantially
lower levels of energy use.
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